Welcome to CorvidBlack Studios

🍃 "In order to flourish, one most overcome uniformity and embrace compassion." 🍃

.• 📜 Our Mission 📜 •.

.• Spreading Warmth •.

Our goal as a team is to be able to spread joy, kindness and love with our stories. Not only that but we hope that our stories can not only be meaningful to us, but also you as a viewer. We hope to make stories that people can find comfort in, relatability, and be able to reflect and take what they learn from the stories we tell. We have no desire to spread constant negativity as this project is both a passion and a positivity project.

.• Diverse Circle •.

Another goal of ours is to be able to provide a community where everyone can participant and feel welcomed in. We try our best to be open-minded and make our space a comfortable space for everyone to be included. We value every single person's words and try to learn from them; our followers is practically the heart of this community and we push ourselves to deliver each and every time.

.• 💞 Remember, 'We all need love' - Mae (The Fisherman's Song) 💞 •.

.• 🎥 Recent Releases 🎥 •.

.• 🎁 Send in your fanworks! 🎁 •.

.• ❤️ Wanna support us?❤️ •.

.• Join our patreon! •.

For exclusive access to unreleased content, sneak peeks, invited to a patreon only server, and much more


.• Shop our latests releases! •.

.• 📌 Bulletin Board📌 •.

.• Welcome to the Website •.

✧ August 24th, 2024 ✧

The OFFICIAL CorvidBlack Studios website has finally launched! Glad to see you all here and hope to enjoy your stay. As of today this website is a constant WIP!

.•🥀 Family of Corvids 🥀 •.

Hello inspiring scholars, and welcome to the home of Corvidblack Studios!We are a diverse community of creators looking to spread positivity by telling stories through art and animations! So if you have the same ideals as us or just looking for a space to confide in you are in the right spot!

Here in CorvidBlack Studios we try to uphold a value to spread thoughtful lessons about things like mental health, social justice issues and a lot more that we hope we get to touch on with our stories. Our goal is to leave a mark on our audience so that they hopefully can look back on fondly with the lessons that we try to convey. Whether it be about 'Self-Love' or 'Moving On', etc, we hope that the tales we tell can at least reach out to someone that relates to it or learns something new. That's the true heart of storytelling in our eyes.

It doesn't matter whether you're an artist, voice actor, writer, game developer or just a regular old storyteller, you have a voice and a story to tell. So tell it.

✧ About the Owners ✧

.•☄️ The Shooting Star Himself ☄️ •.

✧ "Fine, maybe I'll pretend right now
But I swear to God, I'm gonna change the world!" ✧

Hello there!! I go by many names but by default you can just call me Sheepy, and Magandang Umaga, Tanghali, Hapon, Gabi, whenever you see this and it's a pleasure to meet you all!I have been pretty much taking a shot at stories ever since I was out of the womb and I always have my own characters on my mind every waking moment. I truly hope my stories resonate with you all just as much as each and every character has done with me. My main goal as a content creator and at CorvidBlack Studios is to make other people smile and hopefully make a community that can take the lessons that I have to tell to heart as well as other lessons others may have to share as well!

✧ More About Me ✧

Once more, I go by many names, all of which are connected to my personal interests and a few of my own characters that I connect to! You can practically pull out of a hat of what to call me- which you can find on my FAQ. (Go check that out!)And I am apparently the jack of all trades apparently. I dabble in psychology, (a bit of) coding, writing, 2-D Animation along with Character Designing (So just art), playing guitar and being a professional 'talk your ear off' if you ask for my opinion on a social issue or what not.I am a trans male that goes by He/They (Mainly He/him Preference if not that close) pronouns. I am half African American and Filipino whilst I am also Autistic and have both ADHD and PMDD.

.•🍂 The Council 🍂 •.

✧ BlightDust ✧

Hai!!! My name is Blight or you can call me Calamity, Princess or Nympho, whichever works, and I am one of the main writers on the 'Crossover' Series; to be specified I am technically the Co-Writer of 'Crossover' as I've been on the crew the longest.I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do in life for a major, but I know I do want to help out people in the long run whether it be through my writing or working in a field like psychology.A few silly quirks about me is that I like to play piano in my free time, I am a big alt girl (No specific label but I'm a big pastel girl) with being a fangirl of Beach Bunny and I've also been trying to start studying psychology as well. Some of my favorite media is Sparklecare and Danganronpa, and maybe down the line I'm able to join the team by designing or animating when I feel comfortable drawing again!

✧ cynicaldrx ✧

Hii I go by Drx and I help out with designing!!! Sometimes I'll throw out fun little lore ideas too but I'm mostly just tinkering around on a million canvases at onceI don't know how to talk about myself otherwise but I will say I'm a big fan of all things horror ,,,and some other stuff but I will jump at a chance to engage in all the scary things.

.• ⭐ Story Catalog ⭐ •.

Action | Adventure | Fantasy

❝ The end of Existence draws near. Only Twelve Strikes will be able to stall for time. ❞

Crossover, a place where all creatures can live in a society that fits their needs and are split into rings based off those needs and different souls. This world is filled with different types of magic and is safe from the cruelest of worlds.But when a Titan rebels on helping the creatures it's up to a Newborn Human to save the world with her team. With Humans being exiled from the lands it's going to be a challenge..

Fantasy | Mystery

❝ The Moon's Guidance Will Heal Your Wounds ❞

Far in the outskirts of Cassiopeia city lies an abandoned planetarium hidden from plain sight. This planetarium shelters a mysterious group called 'The Ring of Luna', a group who's supposed goal is to provide guidance to all newcomers that have the intention to find closure and answers to their woes.But with the strange number of disappearances between the predator population in the city and violent outbursts of the prey population as well as the predator population, rumors start spreading and with the suspicious decision of the law enforcement to try and cover it up; this leads to 4 curious mammals to try and unravel what is truly going on.

❝ The end of Existence draws near. Only Twelve Strikes will be able to stall for time. ❞





Content Warnings

  • Abuse or Hints of Abuse (Child, Emotional, Mental, Sexual, Substance, Physical, Verbal)

  • Death

  • Grooming

  • Explicit Violence

  • Hypersexuality or Hints of Hypersexuality

  • Mild Blood

  • Portrayals of Ableism, Bullying & Racism

  • Suicidal Themes

Crossover is a fantasy type adventure that covers sensitive and important topics while telling a exciting story that is told in three storylines: The Prequel Storyline, The Main Storyline and The Spinoff Storyline.Awakening: Envy is a human that has been cursed with a strange spell that has made her an outcast in human society due to it affecting her eyes. Because of this it has pushed her to the edge and ends with her dying. Before that, she found a magical pocket watch whilst coming home from school which brings her back from the dead and is called upon by a Titan named Sanity. This leads her on a lifetime adventure as she has to fulfill a prophecy that has shook Crossover to its core and find the other creatures involved in said prophecy to be able to protect Crossover from whatever is thrown her way.Origins: All stories have a beginning. As we learn how Existence is made; we also follow a young girl by the name of Kaia who has been granted the power of creation. The strongest magic you can ever have in Existence. From there we learn the true history of Crossover and the stories that come after her disapperance.Homecoming: All the way in The Human Realm, deep within San Diego, there is a family holding close a clowder together; not knowing that their lives are about to change forever. Flurry is a young feline with strong senses, extreme curiosity and is WAY more intelligent then all the other animals (maybe more then humans as well) in his area; making him more human like then all of that other animals. Thus making him an outcast by not only that, but also due to his shy nature. After the death of his brother, Owl, he encounters a strange spirit by the name of Honeymoon who is trapped in The Human Realm. Together, they must find a way to get Honeymoon back home and also help Flurry make some friends.The Untold Tales of Existence (Comic Shorts): Some stories are left untold, some for good reason, but for some needs to be told to know the truth of how things came to be and why it happened.Hawkfrost's Journal (Field Guide/Lore): Hawkfrost may be secretive to others, but not to his journal. Go over Hawkfrost's notes (and maybe some of his thoughts) about Crossover and its history.

.• 🌺 Recent Releases 🌺 •.

✧ N/A ✧

.• ⌛ Featured Main Cast ⏳ •.

.• ⌛ Main Twelve ⏳ •.

.• ⌛ Awakening Storyline ⏳ •.

.• "The Sixth Strike" •.

.• Hawkfrost •.

❝ A creature that's inattentive will lack the duality of the mind. But a self-aware creature will understand why the balance for both logic and emotions is needed. ❞


High Ranked Detective Hawkfrost of Pureheart


Omniromantic | Graysexual




High Ranked Detective

Gender & Pronouns

Demi-Boy | He/They


23 - 27 (Main Storyline)

Date of Birth

September 18

Voice Actor


.• Overview •.

Hawkfrost believes that he can change the world one step at the time and bring justice to the individuals who are put in a corner that they can't protect themselves in. He is known to be shy, clumsy but can be very intelligent, which brings him to greater heights, especially with him being involved in the Twelve Strikes Prophecy.Despite all that, he is known to be very mysterious and keeps a lot of secrets buried in the ground, but he is able to hide those feelings and make it seem normal when he dances around the topic. He is also known to be steps ahead of creatures in almost everything and seems to know more than he should about someone, but it isn't entirely surprising due to his rank. He loves keeping his companions close to him as he joins Envy and her friends on a mission to be Crossover's Guardians.

.• Personality •.

.• Summary •.

Hawkfrost is known to be very introverted and sort of an overall klutzy dork despite trying to put on a more professional persona during work. His values lies more on values like creativity, keeping an open-mind, individuality, and much more, despite his skepticism and slight cynicalism towards the others and the world. He tends to keep things to himself and usually prefers working alone unless he is working with someone who already familiar with (Ex; Heartache).

.• Traits •.


✧ Curious ✧

✧ Gentle ✧

✧ Mature ✧


✧ Deceptive ✧

✧ Restrained ✧

✧ Quiet ✧


✧ Cold ✧

✧ Resentful ✧

✧ Possessive ✧

.• Quirks & Habits •.

Hawkfrost tends to fidget a lot, especially with things that are specifically made to be fidget with (like rubix cubes). He doesn't tend to get distracted a lot, somedays he does somedays he doesn't. But, he does have a habit of zoning out a lot, he has gotten better at controling it though. Otherwise he loves to ramble about things he loves whenever he gets the chance to and gets excited whenever he gets to talk about anything he enjoys.

.• Communication Skills •.

Hawkfrost sometimes struggles with basic communication due to his shyness and his desire to usually work alone in a ton of situations. But, he tries his best to be honest and straightfoward when he needs something. He doesn't like beating around the bush and tries to get straight to the point and be very blunt even if it makes other people sour.

.• Showing affection •.

Hawkfrost struggles a lot when it comes to reciprocating feelings sometimes. He isn't all that big on physical touch as it can make him uncomfortable. He is also very picky when it comes to gifts as he tends to overthink A LOT while doing it and may not be able to pick a gift at all. And when it comes to quality time, he has a harder time doing it as he's usally everywhere and somehow nowhere at the same time. But, he usually gives out complaints here and there, either intentionally or not. He also likes supporting people a lot and usually prefers it over both love languages.

.• Appearance •.

.• Color Palette •.

Base (Fur/Skin)

#211D21 | #463F35 | #CBBDB7 | #FFFFFF | #FAF7E8 | #F2CD78 | #DCA754 | #AF7B41 | #9F5E2F | #111C2D


#DCDEE9 | #BFC1CB | #AFB2BE | #626375 | #4C4C5B | #32303E | #201F28 | #17161D | #111117 | #07070B



#F1F7FF | #8BA6E3 | #C5DCFF | #8797F5 | #4B3DE9 | #E02600 | #F77E00 | #FFCC00 | #EFAA65 | #FEE892

.• Extra Appearance Notes •.


6'9" (205.74 CM)


243.3 lbs






Maine Coon

Design Notes

Design Creator: DetectiveHawkfrost

  • His eyes are ALWAYS silts

  • He has pockets I SWEAR!

  • Scars on paws are claw markings

  • He also has a high tail...if y'all couldn't tell just in case

  • Usually wears alternative type clothing nothing else

.• Miscellaneous •.

.• Preferences •.


✧ Astronomy + Stargazing ✧

✧ Bats and Crows ✧

✧ Caffeine Drinks ✧

✧ Going on Silent Walks ✧

✧ Learning New Things ✧

✧ Rock + Metal Music/Bands ✧

✧ Solving Puzzles ✧

✧ Snow ✧

✧ Studying Several Topics: Psychology, Herbalism, etc ✧

✧ Taking care of children ✧


✧ Alchemy (Love-Hate Relationship with it) ✧

✧ Engineering (Love-Hate Relationship with it) ✧

✧ Journaling ✧

✧ Playing Several Instruments: Guitar, Xylophone; plus enjoys singing and drafting songs ✧

✧ Spray Painting ✧


✧ Being interrupted | Not being taken seriously ✧

✧ Being put in the spotlight ✧

✧ Bullies | Over-Confident People (+ Pushy People) ✧

✧ Loud Noises/Yelling ✧

✧ Being touched (unless he REALLY knows you and is comfortable) ✧

.• In-Depths •.

Please note that these were for fun and does not exactly dictate who this character is or isn't. If any of these are offensive please let me know why and I'll take it off; this is coming from a psychology nerd as it's not that simple to put one label on someone - Sheepy


True Neutral


The Sage




The Loyalist


INTJ-T (Architect)


Page of Swords (Upright + Reversed)


Melancholic / Phlegmatic

Zodiac Sign


.• Trivia •.


  • Was originally planned to be a side character/background character as a replacement for Calamity's Partner (+ Was then noted as a happy accident by Sheepy)

  • Was extremely created with alternative themes in mind despite some being on accident and some not; Basically Hawkfrost being created during the time where Sheepy was exploring his own music taste, like Jimmy Eat World, around 2020-2021 (Which is where majority of alt community was exploring and expressing themselves)

  • His design was inspired by a loomian from a game called "Loomian Legacy" on Roblox that goes by the name of Tiklipse

  • + Was originally going to have a lot more mouse traits as well as lion traits to accommodate to the fact that he was based off a Tiklipse

  • Originally was inspired by Shuichi Saihara from Danganronpa V3 which he then went off to be his own character

  • Wasn't created with a certain cat breed and colors in mind until he was given maine coon traits (Ear Tufts, Ear furnishings, Extremely Fluffy/Exaggerated Mane, etc)

  • Hawkfrost is one of the cases where he had a complete 180 in terms of personality- but this was prior to his first design and tends to not be talked about by Sheepy (Importantly he doesn't really like to) due to Hawkfrost's original personality being tied to a traumatic event.

  • At some point he was going to have DID but then was scrapped (NOTE: This is one of the cases where I, Sheepy, was misreading my autistic + ADHD and PMDD symptoms as something it wasn't. Honest mistake since I was pretty young and taking things literally. I always had a feeling that something was up with me but I couldn't pinpoint it until now. You'll hear about this from time to time about me - Sheepy)

General | Fun Facts

  • Official Playlist: Cold | Warm

  • At a value of $470 USD as of 9/3/2024

  • Hawkfrost is autistic and has ADHD, C-PTSD and OCD (SAD + General Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia are comorbid symptoms)

  • He doesn't entirely fit into one Alternative Label thanks to him upholding some of values that Goth have and despite usually being labeled as 'Emo'

  • Hawkfrost is Gender-Non-Conforming

  • Tends to pace around or go on walks for the sole purpose of stimulating himself in a 'Not so weird way'

  • + Occasionally rocks back and forth wile listening or playing music as well as clapping his paws together or flapping (Silent clap motion) in a happy way

  • Most definitely hides noise cancellation earbuds in his ears thanks to his ear furnishings which is supposed to reference how Sheepy usually hides his noise cancellation earbuds with his hair

  • Has a mixture of feral fighting/paw to paw combat and using his magic and crossbow due to him being born in The Human Realm

  • Has vitiligo; Note: I originally made this (Semi-Canon? Basically Depending on how you interpert it) due to my Girlfriend aka Co-Writer/Writer on my team personally having it as her Headcanon; and I don't blame her due to my color palette choices and backstory wise. But, Vilitigo in Cats and Humans does NOT form the same way Human Vilitigo does which is basically from trauma. It makes sense given his background and isn't far-fetched as Human Vilitigo forms due to trauma whether mentally or physically. But once more Cat Vilitigo isn't the same as Human Vilitigo so it's why in his cat form it seems more 'limited' (Or you can sort of do more with it?) than his Human Form in which I actually based him off of Type 1 (Nonsegmental) and Subtype 1 (Localized) in said Human Form. We just don't entirely know yet why Vilitigo Forms in Cats. BUT if you have any articles for me for specifically cats send it my way! - Sheepy

.• Other Forms •.

.• Hawkfrost's Gallery •.

.• Official References •.

.• Official Art •.
Ex; Posters, Promos, Etc

.• Fully Done Images •.

.• Animations •.

.• Full Bodies •.

.• Headshots/Busts •.

.• Interacting With Calamity •.

.• Main Three •.

.• Interacting With Others •.

.• Sketches/Lineart •.

.• Traditional •.

.• Vent/Comfort Art •.

.• Icons and Emojis •.

.• Doodles •.

.• Shitposts •.

.• Hawkfrost By Others •.

.• Fully Done Images •.

.• Animations •.

.• Full Bodies •.

.• Headshots/Busts •.

.• Interacting With Calamity •.

.• Main Three •.

.• Interacting With Others •.

.• Sketches/Lineart •.

.• Traditional •.

.• Icons and Emojis •.

.• Doodles •.

.• Shitposts •.

.• Hawkfrost's Old Designs & Early Concepts •.

.• October 2023 •.

.• March 2023 •.

.• February - September 2022 •.

.• October 2021 •.

.• August 2021 •.

.• March 2021 •.
Weird concept era because I keep forgetting it exists and legit went back to the original idea

.• January 2021 •.

.• September 21 2020 •.

.• Pre September 21 2020 •.

.• September 1 2020 •.

.• August 2020 •.

.• Pre August 2020 •.

.• Frostbite's Gallery •.

.• Official References •.

.• Official Art •.
Ex; Posters, Promos, Etc

.• Fully Done Images •.

.• Animations •.

.• Full Bodies •.

.• Headshots/Busts •.

.• Interacting With Calamity •.

.• Main Three •.

.• Interacting With Others •.

.• Sketches/Lineart •.

.• Traditional •.

.• Vent/Comfort Art •.

.• Icons and Emojis •.

.• Doodles •.

.• Shitposts •.

.• Frostbite By Others •.

.• Fully Done Images •.

.• Animations •.

.• Full Bodies •.

.• Headshots/Busts •.

.• Interacting With Calamity •.

.• Main Three •.

.• Interacting With Others •.

.• Sketches/Lineart •.

.• Traditional •.

.• Icons and Emojis •.

.• Doodles •.

.• Shitposts •.

.• "The Fourth Strike" •.

.• Calamity •.

❝ I'm the greatest thing you could have! ❞


Calamity of Pureheart


Bisexual | Demiromantic




Casino Owner

Gender & Pronouns

Female | She/Her


22 - 26 (Main Storyline)

Date of Birth

June 19

Voice Actor


.• Overview •.

Calamity (also known as Wildcard) is rebellious and mischievous. She's an A-plus trickster and when she wants something, she gets it. Either by faking emotions, manipulating someone, or just outright seducing them to get it even if others are convinced they've won. She seems to be a shapeshifting hybrid, meaning that she's half elf, half dragon and whatever she feels like shapeshifting into; in which her default is half moth. All of her travel companians see her as a pain to deal with, and usually can't stand with her mind games. There are only a few that can stand her which are the ones that are more closer to her.

.• Personality •.

.• Summary •.


.• Traits •.


✧ Attractive ✧

✧ Exciting ✧

✧ Sentimental ✧


✧ Glamorous ✧

✧ Unpredicatable ✧

✧ Whimsical ✧


✧ Dependent ✧

✧ Gullible ✧

✧ Impulsive ✧

.• Quirks & Habits •.

Calamity usually uses her body at most to make herself more captiviating in many ways whether that be through: her tail movements swaying or curling into a heart, using her illusion magic to be playful towards creatures and even her pupils shifting into little hearts depending on her mood. Sometimes Calamity may lie for fun or to at least make it seem like she is an interesting person in other peoples minds. But while Calamity has the impression of some sort of 'foxy lady', she has a few things that she does that she tries to keep out of the public eye. One of the main things is that she hoards items for sentimental value, especially soft oftens like plushies.

.• Communication Skills •.

Calamity sort of lacks in the communication department. She struggles a lot to understand other people's views at times and that makes her come across as apathic, but she does try her best when the time comes...if you even know when that time comes. Calamity is usually driven by very one-sided or hasty thoughts, so such things like confrontation is a strong weak point for her as any sort of negative words that fall off of the person's mouth most likely will tip her off.

.• Showing affection •.

Calamity has a bit of a struggle showing affection due to how it can be interpreted. It may fluctuate between 'teasing' words, physical touches, etc. Some people may see her displays of affection as nothing more than a 'flirt' and not genuine and some people who may not take it as seriously and may think it's a joke and not something to dwell on because that's just Calamity. In reality, majority of her words and displays are true and she wishes that more people understood that.

.• Appearance •.

.• Color Palette •.


#FFEBD3 | #FFBF9B | #F5896D | #E43D3A | #F5BF9F


#F2EDDB | #D5E27A | #99D13B | #418716


#FDC27E | #EE9754 | #DC7A38 | #CB6827

Gradient (Anchor Points)

#440822 | #AE3522 | #FEA54C | #FED4B0

Scars & Symbols

#FFFDF1 | #FFDDAC | #FF432D | #B40B01 | #0E0E0E

Horns/Hooves & Moth Antennas/Fur

#6D3239 | #4B2127 | #2C151C

Clothes (V4 + V5)

#FEEFE5 | #DF524B | #B30F1D | #280F10 | #110808 | #FFD78F | #FFBC40 | #37211F | #120D0D | #FF3A62

Clothes (V3)

#FEEFE5 | #E52332 | #BD0B2F | #860428 | #FFD78F | #FFBC40

Clothes (V2)

#371F24 | #211418 | #120D0F | #FFD78F | #FFBC40

.• Extra Appearance Notes •.


5'2" (157.48 CM)


106 lbs




Hybrid (Dragon Elf - Moth)

Design Notes

Design Creator: DetectiveHawkfrost

  • Her pupils are always slits! Or are least very sharp!

  • The white ‘markings’ on her thighs are scars, I just gave it a different type of visual from how I usually draw markings since the colors of her thighs are gradients!

  • She has semi-short hair, not long! Hopefully my reference didn’t give across that she has long her-

.• Miscellaneous •.

.• Preferences •.


✧ Card games ✧

✧ Feeling Important, Loved.. ✧

✧ Gambling ✧

✧ Soda (Fizzy) Drinks ✧

✧ Sweets ✧

✧ Rock + Metal Music/Bands ✧

✧ Solving Puzzles ✧

✧ Snow ✧

✧ Studying Several Topics: Psychology, Herbalism, etc ✧

✧ Taking care of children ✧


✧ Playing Piano ✧

✧ Engineering (Love-Hate Relationship with it) ✧

✧ Journaling ✧

✧ Playing Several Instruments: Guitar, Xylophone; plus enjoys singing and drafting songs ✧

✧ Spray Painting ✧


✧ Crowded Areas and Enclosed Spaces ✧

✧ Royalty ✧

✧ AAA ✧

✧ Loud Noises/Yelling ✧

✧ Being touched (unless he REALLY knows you and is comfortable) ✧

.• In-Depths •.

Please note that these were for fun and does not exactly dictate who this character is or isn't. If any of these are offensive please let me know why and I'll take it off; this is coming from a psychology nerd as it's not that simple to put one label on someone - Sheepy


Chaotic Good


The Lover




The Loyalist


ESTP-T (Entrepreneur)


Eight of Swords (Upright + Reversed)


Melancholic / Phlegmatic

Zodiac Sign


.• Trivia •.


  • The origins of her design started from her being a roblox avatar Sheepy had created

  • Creation date dates back to 2017 but first design concept was nearing 2018

  • Her occupation journey started as her being a like an actual criminal- serial killer (no specific type was given) and then went towards her being a bounty hunter and then a casino owner in her final draft

  • Was actually supposed to be half human in the second rewrite of Crossover but was scrapped when Sheepy wanted no trace of humans in Crossover ever

  • Loosely inspired by Tanya Keys from Mao Mao and Blightdust (Sheepy's Girlfriend and one of the council members)

  • Calamity is one of the cases where she had a complete 180 in terms of personality as she was originally a more cold and harsh character

General | Fun Facts

  • Official Playlist: Spotify

  • Calamity is Hypersexual and has Bipolar, BPD and HPD

  • Isn't ENTIRELY an alternative person, at best a E-Girl as that makes the most sense to her character- but her favorite band would be Beach Bunny

  • Interest in knives is just a direct callback to when she was supposed to be a murder and at the time Sheepy was really into Murder Mystery 2 in 2017 - 2018

  • She actually finds social situations DRAINING

  • Was actually Sheepy's favorite character before Hawkfrost came to be

❝ The Moon's Guidance Will Heal Your Wounds ❞




Rated R

Content Warnings

  • Portrayals of ableism & racism

  • Abuse (Child, Emotional, Mental, Sexual, Substance, Physical, Verbal)

  • Blood & Gore

  • Death

  • Explict Sexual Themes

  • Explicit Violence

  • Hypersexuality/Sex addiction

  • Mental Health & Disorders

  • Suicidial themes

Cult of the Moon is currently a WIP story by BewareOfCaution that originally started with a single vent character and now a fully planned out story with the original intent of the story being a vent. Currently there are no plans for this series to be fully animated like Crossover but mostly told through 5 different comics. Cult of the Moon mainly criticizes the Justice System and shows how the system neglects and leads people down a path in which they might not be able to climb out of easily.Volume I | An Alluring Meadow of Wolfsbane: After a choatic night with their roommates; Dakota, a young wolf with a desire to go into a Biology field finds themselves becoming friends with a sheep named HollyVolume II | Frolicing Beside The Wall of Rhododendrons: A spunky little mouse by the name of Tahlia and best known for her coat that resonates with a cheetah decides to investigate the rising, but concealed, issue of predators (specifically wolves) going missingVolume III | A Virtuous Sprout Blooms Into The Deceitful Snapdragon: Prior to Volume I and Volume II: After Wane and his friends went ghost hunting in a abandonded home, Wane starts noticing that his good luck that he has been known for has switched around and turned against him making him scarred with bad luck. His life takes a further turn when he meets a strange black sheep during his midnight walks.Volume IV | The Sorrowful Moon's Bleeding Awakens The Hunt: Prior to Volume I, Volume II and Volume III: Corvus, an anxious and insecure black sheep, tries to deal with the aftermath of a traumatic event from the previous night. But, down the line, the sheep soon finds himself duped and out of luck with nobody to lean on and to get any kind of closure from said event. This then leads Corvus on a downward spiral that later determines his fate.Volume V | A Daffodil To My Honeysuckle: Set ___ years after Volume II: An undercover detective by the name of Artemis is one of the latest detectives assigned the ___ case after enough evidence was gathered that a cult has had a hoove in the disapperance of predators. Unfortunately the only passage in to find the cult is through invite and Artemis has to turn to her lifetime friend, Tigerlily, a sheep who managed to gain an invite through a regular at Tigerlily's library. Now the two of them have to venture the unknown and keep their true intentions hidden.

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.• 🍃 Frequently Asked Questions🍃 •.

✧ General ✧

Who are we and what do we do as a studio?

So, as you've seen from our site- We are 'CorvidBlack Studios' and our main motto here is 'We All Need Love' which can be expanded beyond that. We hope to be able to tell stories through Animations, Comics, Books and maybe even more as we get further and further down the line as I, Sheepy, believe we all have a story to tell at some point as you don't know that sometimes your experiences can help and advise others as well. I strive to make a healthy, empathetic and compassionate community for- not only my team, but also my audience too.At this current moment, and most likely, we only have two stories that are going for us right now; "Crossover" and then "Cult of The Moon". Crossover is more of the series we are majorly focusing on whilst Cult of The Moon is sort of like a long distance cousin that you may know and enjoy for what they're worth. We and I hope that our writing serve its purpose and speak out to you and represent the character's as proper as we can.- Sheepy

What audience are we targeting?

Our main story, Crossover, we are really trying to make it as accessible as possible and at least flexible. Have you ever heard the difference between a 'kids movie' and a 'family movie', yeah- that's sort of what we're trying to go for with Crossover. There's plans to be a censored version and a uncensored version with appropriate warnings that should be listed with every episode. Again, I want Crossover to hopefully resonate with people from any age.For Cult of The Moon however...I'm a lot more strict with that series and you'll most likely find out why when you to to the 'Cult of The Moon' section of these questions; but, CoTM's rating is supposed to be 16 and over as it's not as accessible and intentionally censored like Crossover is. This rating may or may not be bumped up to 18 and over in the future, but it's not going to be due to any explicit sexual content except for maybe a suggestive joke here and there.- Sheepy

Who is the black cat that is used on your PFPs and banners/Do you have a mascot?

That black cat is actually our mascot named Onyx! While we were rebranding we were trying to come up with names and themes and we ended up going with Crows (And slightly Corvids) as a theme for our studio due to their intelligence. But we also sort of went with leucistic crows specifically (Originally we were going to do albino but I based Onyx's little crow friend off a leucistic crow) as well as we know that crows that have pale feathers actually get outcasted. To follow that theme we gave Onyx vitiligo to match their little crow friend. This decision was mainly due to how- like I said earlier- that crows get outcasted for their white feathers or just being different; it's no secret that me and some others in the studio have been a sort of outcast or at least have been seen as weird by others. So one of our main things is that...we want to accept that 'weirdness' as there's nothing wrong with having a quirk or two, afterall that makes you human. But, that's sort of the idea/story that we had behind our mascot and general theme that connects back to our studio motto.- Sheepy

Where did you get all the images for the backgrounds on the website?

I picked all of the backgrounds from Unsplash! I highly recommend using it if you're looking for free backgrounds that you can use for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. Hopefully maybe in the near future I can find all the users I got the photos from and properly credit them in a huge list.- Sheepy

Which character's are part of the LGBTQ+ or have Disorders and or Disabilities

You'd usually figure out through each franchise or you look at specific character's profiles (Or it's said by me in like a video or something)! But if it doesn't specifically mention it anyway on that character's profile or no references to it (or attempt through storytelling) at all then from there you can headcanon what you want.But, my general rule for characters that are part of the LGBTQ+ (again LGBTQ+ not disorders and disabilities) in canon is that they have to in 13+ in my book. I know sometimes it can happen beforehand at times but I'm just not that comfortable with like deciding if like..a 5 year old is like straight or a different sexuality and whatnot. Again, I'm fine with teenager characters as that's mostly when they experiment but not anybody below 13.- Sheepy

Can I make fanart/fanfiction of your characters?

Oh yes of course please do! Just please follow our terms of service and keep up to date with said TOS!If you want to submit your art to be shown in a character's gallery then you may send it through a form linked down here:Crossover Fan-Creations FormCult of The Moon Fan-Creations Form- Sheepy

✧ Crossover Questions ✧

This seems like a BIG series. How long did it take you to think of it, what was the process and why is it so long?

I've had this series since I was maybe...5 years old? Maybe even around 4 years old? Sorry I've always been known to have a very powerful and active imagination since I was younger. I remember practically rocking back and forth in my chair while listening to music and imagining my characters doing cool things in my head. My parents would always get a bit upset at me for being too loud..haha..But, pretty much Crossover has been my special interest for all these years and I'm pretty sure it's going to stay that way. I've had about 3 rewrites in total; which if you catch me I might be able to share with you the different rewrites and what I originally thought back when I was a little toddler. But, this should be the last MAJOR rewrite of this series as I finally figured out how I want to go about it.I think I began the final rewrite around 7th to 8th grade after I figured out what I want it to be after my experiences, which ranged from valuable lessons and also traumatic experiences. I'm not going to go over it in here, but I know I mention it at least here and there so it's not exactly a secret- I just don't go too deep into it as that's pushing my own comfort.But, it's kind of why I'm glad that I'm going down this route as I want to share my own story through my art and writings. I've always been told I should be a psychologist or join like a police force since I'm interested in forensic science (to be one of the good ones of course but....) because y'know I always talk everyone's ear off about issues. But, I feel like I was made to just tell stories through art and just..making people smile and have something to relate to. I wanted to make a story that not only others could enjoy and find comfort in, but also someone like little me could enjoy. I remember in 5th grade I didn't understand why I felt so miserable, my first 'set' of suicidal thoughts came in that year and I didn't really have anybody or anything to really explain why.So this is primarily what the series is about; it's about educating people through lessons and hopefully give others a better understanding of not only themselves through characters but others that may share those relatable/similar traits to these characters. Again, I want to tell my story and my experiences through my characters, not only mine but others as I know people who are close to me and are also working on this series too that relate to my characters. It makes me happy that I can represent them as much as I want representation for myself.Hell- even now I'm still updating my characters due to my experiences. It doesn't matter how much I know now I will NEVER stop growing and that's a part of life. After all we're all complex human beings that learn and grow each day. So I truly hope I'm able to spread a special message to people that can look back on this series and look back fondly or figure out things that they didn't notice earlier.But uh- to answer the 'Why is it so long' part. The only reason why it's so long is because it comes over A LOT of stuff that is mandatory for the series to be told. I tried shortening it down a lot as the original amount of stories told were around 24 which is yikes- But, I also don't want to rush a bunch of lore and character development that I and others may need. Especially with 12 characters and the need of a prequel series and a spinoff to support a major MAJOR character's backstory.- Sheepy

What are inspirations for this series?

Hmm, like many of you know, I am a early 2000's kid at heart and also a big alternative person. It's sort of a love letter to the whole alternative community as the community, in my opinion (I try my best to avoid any toxicity and elitism), is just very accepting and most of the scenes hold a lot of core values that I hold myself. It's why I don't normally give aesthetics like..scene, goth, emo, so randomly to characters just because I want to- but I believe it SHOULD tell you what kind of values those characters hold. It's why I am the emo, gender-non-conforming, trans person I am today.But other then alternative scenes, one of my original inspirations for this series was a video game called World of Warcraft, made by Blizzard themselves. While, I absolutely do not support the company like I used to after all of the allegations against them; I still hold a lot of heart to the video game. I used to watch my dad play it all the time when I was 3 and got my first pc when I was 5. While, giving me unrestricted internet access wasn't a good thing, I made some pretty fond memories from it and also playing WoW in the meantime. I really loved the whole fantasy aspect and trying to get more into DND which the game was mainly based off of. But, there is also a lot of other things that inspired by for this series.For example: I ADORED the Trollhunters series that was apart of the Tales of Arcadia franchise and liked the other two shows that came in that line. I really hated that final movie though which is a whole rant from me....But, otherwise I'm also inspired by the little things like Amphibia, The Owl House, etc as these shows always shared the same premise of a young child going into a fantasy type setting!- Sheepy

Why is your favorite character Detective Hawkfrost/Why did you make Detective Hawkfrost your channel mascot and is he Crossover's Mascot?

No. First off Hawkfrost is not Crossover's Mascot. Personally I don't think we really have a Crossover Character Mascot..the only one's I could consider being a Crossover Character Mascot is Empathy or Mother Phantasm as Empathy is the first main character introduced and Mother Phantasm is Crossover's (As in Realm/In Lore) creator; but we don't have a character mascot. We just primarily have a story icon at best.BUT...back to the main question- If I'm being quite honest Hawkfrost was like a happy accident haha. Originally Hawkfrost was like..a minor character as like a brother figure to Calamity (I know shocker- this was in like my second rewrite I think where Calamity was called Roblox Kaia and had a different personality so don't think about it too much); but then I decided to make him a replacement boyfriend to Calamity in my third rewrite.This was what he was originally intended for as at the time I didn't balance my cast in terms of gender and had a female led cast.Until I started to expand on his personality and redesigned him to his September 21 design at the time. Which..I may have put in too much of me into his character on accident due to him being inspired by a certain other detective (Guess who) and got a major ton of gender envy from him. I guess another contributing factor should've been that I originally started making the concept of his design and character when I was going through a time of trauma. I guess I also just got really (hyper?)fixated on his character so I'm stuck with him now.But..that's okay honestly. It genuinely brings a tear to my eye that I've seen both of us grow together because he really is a character I hold dear to me and I don't regret making him for a second even if he was attached to my trauma. He has become my best coping mechanism and practically a close friend to me. And I truly hope that I get to show the both of us grow more together.- Sheepy

(Quick Add On) You are aware that Hawkfrost is a detective right?

Okay, this isn't a frequently asked question, but I genuinely feel the need to answer it has been something that's been a thorn in my side for a while and to be quite honest I don't want to avoid the question when if it ever comes up later on.I'd like to remind anyone that I am strictly ACAB (Yes let's bring it in here), I want to make that aware right now especially as a SA victim of multiple attempts. My other story, Cult of The Moon is ALSO there to remind everyone where I stand even if it's not explicitly said out loud on how I feel.I am trying to figure out a way to address this topic later on, this doesn't only apply to Hawkfrost but apply to someone like Ascendance and any other detective characters I have. And even if the justice system in Crossover is different and doesn't mention anything about the police/cops, TECHNICALLY detectives are still 'cops' if you really think about it- I'm really sorry y'all.It's sort of hard for me as again Hawkfrost is a character I hold dear to me as well and after writing his story for about 4 years now, I can't truly go back on it. But I swear that I'm going to try and figure out a way to address a topic like this in my series and if I somehow don't I really want to make it clear now.- Sheepy

When is the franchise coming out?

! PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS QUESTION WILL BE REMOVED WHEN THE FRANCHISE OFFICIALLY COMES OUT !Being straight up, we are taking it slow. This is mostly because of a big lesson I learned when I first started this, that lesson being to NOT rush your product and once again value quality over quantity. At first it was going great, I was on the right track until a hit a low point in the school year that was there before but only increased as I was starting, I also got harassed a few times during that year and ended up burning myself out and going into a slump. Which was uncalled for even for me because I NEVER EVER get into burnouts and this was the first time that it happened. So, right now I'm trying my best to communicate with the team, have them look at sneak peeks, updated redesigns and much more. I also ended up going back and redoing a few character's due to the fact that it just didn't feel like my writing, it felt too poorly rushed or their character lost meaning to their story. Which, I am glad I am redoing it now and not later.Don't worry, I'm doing better now, but what we're planning on doing is building an audience. Building that audience helps me achieve the main goal which is starting the ACTUAL series which is the long episode list shows, the movies, etc, etc. To build that audience we are releasing teasers, animated shorts, comic dubs and more to keep you guys hooked and want to support us. That is our major game plan and to also keep in mind our mental health and not burn ourselves out in the process.- Sheepy

✧ Cult of The Moon ✧

When was this project made and what was the reason?

I made Cult of The Moon around March 16-ish of 2024. Sure you can argue that I made Cosmo's character concept around June of 20223 but Cosmo was supposed to just be my channel's mascot- which you can clearly see I pivoted. But in the end I kept slowly adding possibilities to Cosmo's character like 'Oh he has a Cult worshiping him' and 'Oh he was outcast as a black sheep' and thought I'd leave it at that; but then I brought in Wane/'The Moon' and as soon as I realized it, I had a new concept for a story that I ACTUALLY like. Huh.So cool, I have this story now. But, I mainly made this story off of negative emotions and experiences at the time. Which slowly turned into it's own story (loosely) based around negative experiences I've gone through in my life. Essentially a vent/trauma story. So yes, Cult of The Moon is a vent story that hopefully helps get heal from trauma and properly process it without hindering too much on my main story that's supposed to be a more 'positive' uphill story then a 'negative' downhill story like Cult of The Moon is.- Sheepy

Is this story going to be an animated series?

At most I'd say, no. There isn't really any plan for me to adapt this into an animated series. I personally think it'll do just fine as a webcomic! But if future me or the audience wants an adapted animated series, then that's future me's problems honestly, but as of right now there are no plans to make this to a full fledge animated series.- Sheepy

Who is your favorite character (and possibly why)?

I'd say my favorite character is Cosmo by default as his trauma is based around me and is sort of persona of every negative trait that I have. But if you want my actual answer my favorite is Wane/"The Moon". I think I just put a lot of what I like in a character design into Wane, but also in terms of personality. I wouldn't call Wane a TOTAL ripoff of Hawkfrost but they have a few similarities but still differ from each other. What's different between the two of them though is the fact that Wane bounces off more on manipulative, cold-hearted traits in which I couldn't give to Hawkfrost due to the fact if I delve into those traits too much for Hawkfrost then he would be a very messy character. Essentially I was trying to have my cake and then another which was just too much for Hawkfrost's character. So, I think making Wane as a character purely based around those negative traits I wanted to give to Hawkfrost helped me A LOT to separate what I should and shouldn't do. Again, I made Cult of The Moon to separate my negative feelings from my Crossover series as it would've been too much.- Sheepy

Is Cult of The Moon Connected to Crossover?

Nope. Not really. I mean if you want to HEADCANON that it is as there is a slight hint to it being a 'maybe'? But in turn Cult of The Moon is entirely a standalone story from Crossover and I sort of want to try and keep it that way. I mean I like making crossovers (haha) between the two as it's really fun and they do meet up with them in Crossover during Mythical Links. But even then you can decide if that's entirely canon for Cult of The Moon as by then Cult of The Moon is finished when featured in Mythical Links.So TLDR; no. It's its own standalone story from Crossover but if you want to 'connect' it to Crossover then sure. But no, it's its own story.- Sheepy

If this is a dark series, will there be a positive message in the end?

Going to be honest...there isn't really a positive message for Cult of The Moon. There isn't like a big relevation or anything really. When you compare Cult of The Moon to Crossover, the difference between the two is that Cult of The Moon is a downhill (negative) story whilst Crossover is an uphill (positive story). You can argue that they're themes in Cult of The Moon, but I'm going to make it clear that you should not take Cult of The Moon's 'message' to heart as at most the message is just very cynical if you interpret it like that.. Cult of The Moon rides on the fact that majority of these people were damaged and scarred, but even then they couldn't get any help to get better; because either they didn't want to get help or they just couldn't in the first place because the system has failed them. Again, I can't stress this enough that these are character's who fail time and time again and in the end just accept that they're a lost cause and give up trying to get better and in turn end up hurting other people in the process because of their world view.DO NOT TAKE CULT OF THE MOON'S THEMES TO HEART.Once more, this story is purely based on my own trauma and just trying to pour out the negatives to hopefully get better. At most Cult of The Moon is aspirational, not fully inspirational. Like you can get aspiration to realize that the system isn't all that but also to try and get better without giving up. But no one should be inspired to hurt other people from this story; that's why this story is not as flexible as Crossover and has an age rating- not just because of the gorey elements but because I don't want people to misinterpreted the point and go out and hurt other people.Cult of The Moon is a morally grey story at the end of the day and supposed to make people think more of what could've happened if these people just didn't give up and got better and the system isn't as trashy as it is to them.- Sheepy

Do you dislike wolves in anyway?

NO. No, of course not. I'm sorry if it made it seem like I do- but I don't. Like, please, I play Wolfquest for a living and been playing it as soon as I saw it. I was on werewolves for Artfight 2023 and I was hyperfixated on 'Alpha and Omega' (yes the movie) at some point in my life!! PLEASE I AM NOT A WOLF HATER BUT A WOLF LOVER!
- Sheepy

.• ⚠️ Terms of Service ⚠️ •.


This section is here for the main purpose of just: respect. We are a small studio as of right now and are a lot more stricter about what people can and can’t do with our work. Some of these terms will be dropped in the future depending on how far we get.

▪ Do not sell ‘Official’ merch or merch in general that isn’t specifically made or approved by us

▪ Do not steal/copy/heavily reference a character for the purpose of claiming it as your own. If you have any questions, need assistance, advice, etc; contact one of the people handling the site (+ social medias)

▪ You may set character art as an icon, banner, etc and or roleplay with the characters; BUT CREDIT MUST BE GIVEN


▪ Do NOT use artwork from to the team for the sole purpose of NFTS or creating AI Art

▪ In terms of kinning and kinsonas, kinning (as well as ‘comforts’) is allowed but kinsonas NEED to be ran through by the specific character owner to be created and needs to have proper credit given



Character’s under the direct ownership of Sheepy do NOT have any written character permissions under them; all he asks is that you put correct warnings and or labels on your works when showcasing anything revolving around them

Character’s under the ownership of “cynicaldrx” differ from Sheepy’s
These character’s include: Heartache, Azure, Mercurial, Akai, and Snowfall

▪ Artistic nudity

▪ Blood

▪ Body horror

▪ Mild gore

Do not:
▪ Body horror in the form of insects/arachnids

▪ Fetish/kink

▪ Hyperrealistic gore

▪ Suggestive & explicit sexual content

Cult of The Moon

Please take note that “Cult of The Moon” is not your standard average media that is public domain. Cult of The Moon is a story based around Sheepy’s trauma for the purpose of one day healing from it. Do NOT treat the characters and story as such.

▪ Claim characters as a comfort and/or kin

▪ Make fanart (Drawing, Writing, etc)

▪ Make your own au's & headcanons


▪ NSFW Art: Includes Gore, Suggestive, Sexually Acts, etc

Do not:
▪ Downplay or Dismiss a characters: Disability, Ethnicity, Disorder, Race, Gender, etc

▪ Use to promote derogatory content in a malicious manner (Ex: Hate Speech, Racism, Ableism, etc)


This list will continue to be monitored and will have changes made accordingly. If your concern isn’t listed here then you may contact us OR it means that it isn’t a concern to us and is allowed

Toyhou.se Etiquette

Due to the fact that Toyhou.se does NOT function like a regular social media site and has a smaller number of users compared to any popular social media site; we have decided that it’s best to have some sort of ‘etiquette’ whilst you look around the site

▪ Do not put characters into dreamie folders

▪ Do not offer on characters; you’ll find out if a character is up for offer if it’s announced on @/DetectiveHawkfrost, @/x0x0_ Sheepy, or if the character has been moved to @/Miss_Calamity

▪ “Favorite Bombing” is allowed

▪ In regards to “Kinsonas” or anything similar; we recommend you not upload them to Toyhou.se even with proper credits. Please refer to “Rule 5. Derivative Content: 5.1 Canon Characters” of Toyhou.se’s rules


The changelog keeps track of what was changed, so you, the reader, have full transparency of what most likely changed. If possible a reason may be given

10/1/2024 - 10/2/2024
“DNI” Section has been removed from the Terms of Service

Large Chunk of Crossover Character’s have now had their permissions changed that are under the name of Sheepy

“Toyhou.se Etiquette” has been added to the Terms of Service

Whole Content Warning Section has been added for “Cult of The Moon”

▪ “Mild Sexual Themes (Jokes + Suggestive content) & Slight Nudity” was removed from “Content Warnings: Crossover”

▪ “Blood & Gore” has been changed to “Mild Blood” and “Gore” being completely removed from “Content Warnings: Crossover”

▪ “Hints of…” has been added to “Abuse” and “Hypersexuality” in “Content Warnings: Crossover”

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